About Me

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New Delhi, Delhi, India
Green Team is a group of students and young professionals committed to Save Earth by building a platform where people from all walks of life come together to form a network and work at the Grass-root level to save our planet Earth. We want to join hands with the common man by spreading awareness. Let's build a green future... GREEN IS ON..!!

Green Search

Saturday, August 21, 2010


A big ‘Green Hello’ to all of you again… and that makes me wonder what a green hello really means… It’s not that I scream green slogans when I greet people, neither do I don extravagantly green clothes and write jingoistic verbiage on it, and certainly do not paint my hand green while I shake it with all the non-green coloured hands. So what I really want you to do is introspect, and think what it is to be ‘Green’.
The dictionary can facilitate you by providing amusing definitions of the word ‘Green’ as an adjective. It has been profusely used over the ages to represent ‘envy’, a trait that is more or less shared by all of us. It is also used synonymously for ‘youth’ and freshness. In contemporary times, ‘green’ is fast becoming associated with tangible aspects of nature, so much so that we have readily prefixed the word with cars, buildings and zones etc. What really intrigues me is that this nomenclature was almost unknown, if not non-existent, about a decade ago. And now that we are facing problems, we would have to devise a green solution.
So based on aforementioned dissection of the word ‘Green’, I give you a new definition. Being green is serving the cause of environmental conservation by the youth of the generation. Let me also give you an antithesis to the phrase ‘green with envy’. Let’s name it ‘envy for green’, because that is what we have to make them feel, all those who are leading a non-green lifestyle and happily propagating the belief of ‘ignorance is bliss’.
As a famous frontrunner of the Indian Climate campaign says, and I quote ‘ Let’s take it up as a chahhlunge *!!’ and spread the green light across our homes, our families and the society on the whole. I urge all of you to come forth and use this platform to share thoughts, anecdotes and information, and make GTWS a corner-stone in our march against issues wrecking havoc on the environment.
Green Is On…!!
- Green Lantern

· Chahhlunge = challenge.

1 comment:

brooder said...

'envy for green'....I must say:a fresh and inspiring redefinition. Now that green has been redefined let's live this new green..it can only be a small salvation from the Grey,another color that starts with G but epitomizes all that is dirty, noxious and old and something that has become an integral part of our self-destructive lifestyles. It is time for a radical change in thought. Let's translate words into action..the 'New Green' is on!!