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New Delhi, Delhi, India
Green Team is a group of students and young professionals committed to Save Earth by building a platform where people from all walks of life come together to form a network and work at the Grass-root level to save our planet Earth. We want to join hands with the common man by spreading awareness. Let's build a green future... GREEN IS ON..!!

Green Search

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Environmental Stratification: The Way Ahead.

It has not been long that the path-breaking ‘carbon trading’ mechanism has assumed a decisive role for our future. Mounting pressure on the global corporate organisations in light of the guidelines set by Kyoto protocol has led to the rise of this peculiar trade practice that has been the bone of contention.  For the uninitiated, Carbon trading model envisages that any firm causing the emissions of GHGs can offset it by paying up in terms of compensatory benefits thereby neutralizing the damage done to the environment. To this effect, the major polluters of the world, especially those based in developed country can go scot-free, for much of the emissions, by handing out money.
It’s a fairly justified scenario as far as the global trade standards are concerned, but we should not forget that here we change hands of an extremely exhaustible commodity which won’t grow with time. The implementation of a full- fledged carbon credits system is bound to be fraught with pitfalls if the true value of environmental resources is not sought out. When farmers in Himachal Pradesh are offered Rs. 240 for every tonne carbon dioxide converted into biomass by undertaking massive afforestation, the calculation appears somewhat skewed. Add to this the license for unbridled carbon emissions solicited, by the businesses in developed countries, in lieu of a paltry amount that seldom evens out on the basis of purchasing power parity with respect to developing countries. Going forward, such a trend might have grave consequences and may shape into an environmental stratification of the world; where the developed nations continue their stellar economic growth and the lesser developed countries become encumbered with the responsibility of carbon sequestration. This will lead to a lopsided economic and international trade system that may draw analogy from the Caste system that already besets the Indian society.
 Just a thought.

- Green Lantern
*GHG : Green House Gas.


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