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New Delhi, Delhi, India
Green Team is a group of students and young professionals committed to Save Earth by building a platform where people from all walks of life come together to form a network and work at the Grass-root level to save our planet Earth. We want to join hands with the common man by spreading awareness. Let's build a green future... GREEN IS ON..!!

Green Search

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Green Team 4th Anniversary Meet

It is only through consistent efforts and indefatigable spirit of its members that Green Team has successfully completed 4 years of solidarity towards sustainable growth of the society. And what better way to celebrate it than holding the anniversary meet of its core members at India Habitat Centre, New Delhi. Following is a brief description of what transpired out of a discussion on the Green Team 4th Anniversary Meet.
DATE: 28.05.2011
VENUE: Amphitheatre, India Habitat Centre
1. Nakul Bhalla – President, GTWS; Amity University, Noida.
2. Tarun Ahuja – previously National Sales Head, Marketing and Advertising, Dainik Bhaskar
3. Sumedha Malaviya – Centre for Science and Environment, New Delhi.
4. Sreepriya – Katha, NGO based in Delhi that works in the field of community development, child welfare, education and literature.
5. Sumanth – IIT Delhi.
6. Ashima Thapliyal - Amity University, Noida.
7. Neha Pradhan - Amity University, Noida.
8. Saakshi Jindal - Amity University, Noida.
9. Archit Manocha - Amity University, Noida.
10. Vipul Saxena - Amity University, Noida.
11. Bhavika Balani – College of Arts, New Delhi.
12. Shikha Dhandhariya - Amity University, Noida.
13. Kunal Bisht – HCL, Gurgaon.
14. Ankita Dawar

The event started off with the distribution of green ribbon pinbacks to all the attendees which was shortly followed by an opening address by Nakul. His speech touched upon the ideals and future goals of Green Team and urged the members to voice their respective opinion.

Sumedha raised concerns on lack of manpower and resources as a major hurdle. She laid emphasis on designing campaigns suited to the urban setup and sensitizing the people towards the use of public transport.

Sreepriya said that the need of the hour is prioritization of activities and to be able to discern ‘what’ is to be done, ‘how’ to do it and ‘by what time’ we should be able to accomplish it. She stressed on conducting intra-team knowledge transfer sessions so that skill sets of the members could be shared with other members within the team.

Sumanth pointed out the need of using social media and the Internet for creating awareness among the youth. He also underscored the importance of having the tasks readied at anytime new volunteers may enroll.

Tarun emphasized on the importance of taking small but firm steps and said that it’s the quality, and not the quantity in a workgroup that matters in the long run.
Other important points raised by the members ranged from allocating suitable work to members to increasing the strength of the team.

Certificate of Appreciation was awarded to Neha, Bhavika, Saakshi, Payal and Vipul for their contribution in the bygone year, which was followed by cake-cutting.
Finally, Nakul signed off on an optimistic note with a promise of another productive year ahead for Green Team.

The participants indulged in further talks and discussions over snacks.
And as we enter yet another glorious year, we have achieved some but a lot needs to be done in future. Here’s a call to join hands, communicate and exchange our ideas and knowledge freely so that Green Team is able to make a difference, for all of us. :)

Green Is On…!


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