About Me

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New Delhi, Delhi, India
Green Team is a group of students and young professionals committed to Save Earth by building a platform where people from all walks of life come together to form a network and work at the Grass-root level to save our planet Earth. We want to join hands with the common man by spreading awareness. Let's build a green future... GREEN IS ON..!!

Green Search

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Aims and Objectives

Our Aims and Objectives are as follows:

i. To help people understand the basic importance of nature & clean environment and to help develop hygienic surroundings in society.
ii. To work for clean and green Earth.
iii. To spread awareness about various environmental issues.
iv. To work for pollution-free environment.
v. To increase the green cover by planting saplings.
vi. To help stop global warming.
vii. To help protect all natural habitats from degradation.
viii. To help protect rivers from degradation.
ix. To work for all the issues related to environment.

x. To take lectures in educational institutions, workplaces, RWAs, etc. to spread awareness about environmental issues and driving them to work for the cause.

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